The winners of 2018:


- GPI Holding, a local insurance company, was acknowledged for its large-scale employment programs, which provided career and growth opportunities for more than 500 women of middle and past middle age with different skills, experience and social status.


- One of the strengths of Adjara Group Hospitality is the implementation of social and corporate responsibility action plan which allows many socially vulnerable women and victims of domestic violence to change their lives. The company carries out employment program that equips beneficiaries with new professional skills and ensures financial stability. It reinforces career growth strategy, which helps women to upgrade to mid and high managerial positions.


- Kutaisi Professional Training and Education Centre spends substantial resources on the professional development of employees, inter alia, mastering in ICT. Through various partnerships the trainees have access to formal and informal trainings, which stimulate professional growth and social integration. The company has signed MOUs with different education and training organizations to provide trainings to vulnerable women, surrogate mothers, and mothers of socially disadvantaged children, who are living at the SOS Children's Village.